George H. Gates
J.D., 1989, William Mitchell College of Law (Cum Laude, Law Review, Moot Court); B.S. C.I.S./Engineering, 1980, Ohio State University.
Mr. Gates' intellectual property law experience includes patent, trademark and copyright law. He also has eleven years of computer hardware and software engineering experience in the industry.
Technical emphasis: semiconductors, opto-electronics, telecommunications systems, network communications and database management systems.
Registrations: California State Bar; Minnesota State Bar; U.S. Patent and Trademark Office; Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit; Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit; U.S. Supreme Court.
Affiliations: Past Chair, Electronic and Computer Law Committee of the American Intellectual Property Law Association; Intellectual Property Section of the California State Bar; Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association; Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers; and Association for Computing Machinery.
Patent Policy and Practice in the University Environment
April 18, 2019 George H. Gates
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2019
Patent Policy and Practice in the University Environment
October 21, 2013 George H. Gates
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2013
Patent Policy and Practice in the University Environment
March 13, 2013 George H. Gates
University of California, Santa Barbara, 2013
Advanced Patent Prosecution from the Practitioner’s Perspective
April, 2004 George H. Gates
AIPLA Advanced Computer and Electronic Patent Practice Seminar, Spring 2004
(J.S. Feldmar & G.H. Gates)
Panel Discussion Moderator, Software and Business Method Claims and Electronic Filing Systems
December, 2003 George H. Gates
American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) Mid-Winter Meeting 2003
Prosecution from a Practitioner’s Viewpoint with Special Emphasis on AIPA of 1999
April, 2002 George H. Gates
AIPLA Advanced Computer and Electronic Patent Practice Seminar, Spring 2002
(J.S. Feldmar & G.H. Gates)
Business Method Patents
April, 2001 George H. Gates
LAIPLA Spring Seminar, April 2001
Internet Patents
July, 2000 George H. Gates
Fourth Annual Internet Law Institute, Practicing Law Institute, July 2000
American Inventors Protection Act of 1999 - What Do You Need to Do Now
April, 2000 George H. Gates
AIPLA Advanced Patent Practice Seminar, Spring 2000 (KSC/WJW/GHG)
Thinking Outside the Box: Practitioner Tips for Patenting the Internet
October, 1999 George H. Gates
AIPLA, Emerging Technologies Committee, Annual Meeting, October 1999
Patenting The Internet
June, 1999 George H. Gates
American Bar Association (ABA), Section of Intellectual Property Law (IPL), IPL Summer Conference, June, 1999
Advanced Seminar on Claim Drafting – Electronic and Computer
October, 1998 George H. Gates
AIPLA Annual Meeting, October 1998
Advanced Patent Practice Seminar
May, 1998 George H. Gates
AIPLA, Seminar Chair, May and June 1998
The Examination Guidelines for Computer-Related Inventions: The Practitioner’s Perspective
October, 1997 George H. Gates
Partnering in Patents, USPTO, October, 1997
The Global Treatment of Statutory Subject Matter
February, 1996 George H. Gates
AIPLA Mid-Winter Institute, February, 1996
How the New Department of Justice Antitrust Guidelines will Impact Patent Licensing
June, 1995 George H. Gates
The University of Dayton School of Law Program in Law and Technology, June, 1995
Prosecuting The Application: The Attorney's Perspective
November, 1994 George H. Gates
AIPLA, November, 1994
The Acquisition and Enforcement of Domestic and International Intellectual Property Rights in Software
February, 1994 George H. Gates
Software Council of Southern California, 2nd Annual Conference
Advanced Patent Prosecution from the Practitioner's Perspective
April, 2004 George H. Gates
AIPLA Advanced Computer and Electronic Patent Practice Seminar
(J.S. Feldmar & G.H. Gates)
Business Method Patents
April, 2001 George H. Gates
"Business Method Patents," Los Angeles Intellectual Property Law Association Spring Seminar
Internet Patents
June, 2000 George H. Gates
"Internet Patents," Fourth Annual Internet Law Institute, Practicing Law Institute, vol. 1, pgs. 403-438
(J.S. Feldmar & G.H. Gates)
Trade Secret Software: Is It Prior Art?
August, 1998 George H. Gates
"Trade Secret Software: Is It Prior Art?," 6 Computer Lawyer 8
Software Patent Survey
October, 1993 George H. Gates
"Software Patent Survey"
How To Patent Your Software
October, 1993 George H. Gates
"How To Patent Your Software"
Current Developments In Trade Secret Law
October, 1993 George H. Gates
"Current Developments In Trade Secret Law," SPA Notes, Software Publishers Association, vol. 10, No. 10
Current Developments In Trademark Law
September, 1993 George H. Gates
"Current Developments In Trademark Law," SPA Notes, Software Publishers Association, vol. 10, No. 9
Current Developments In Patent Law
August, 1993 George H. Gates
"Current Developments In Patent Law," SPA Notes, Software Publishers Association, vol. 10, No. 8
Current Developments In Copyright Law
June, 1993 George H. Gates
"Current Developments In Copyright Law," SPA Notes, Software Publishers Association, vol. 10, No. 6
Baker v. Seldon, Computer Programs, 17 U.S.C. 102(b), and Whelan Revisited
April, 1990 George H. Gates
"Baker v. Seldon, Computer Programs, 17 U.S.C. 102(b), and Whelan Revisited," 13 Hamline Law Review 221
(G.H. Gates with S.W. Lundberg and J.P. Sumner)